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AIM Youth Mental Health Symposium: Bridging the Gap

AIM Youth Mental Health Symposium: Bridging the Gap

On April 19 – 21, 2023, AIM Youth Mental Health will gather world-renowned researchers, youth experts, parents, clinicians, educators, first responders, and community members at the Monterey Conference Center to tackle tough questions and find solutions to the growing youth mental health crisis. A one­-day Pre-Conference will cover School Safety and Youth Mental Health, followed by two full days of world-renowned expert speakers, panels, breakout sessions, and exhibits.
Wednesday, April 19: School Safety & Youth Mental Health
Thursday, April 20: The Alphabet Soup of Youth Mental Health: CBT, DBT, ACE, ADHD ... This informative day will include a speaker lineup of world-renowned youth mental health researchers, robust panel discussions led by youth and parents, and engaging breakout sessions covering multiple topics in youth mental health.
Friday, April 21: What Else Can We Do? Strategies for supporting youth beyond therapy. Learn about managing social media, Dr. Michael Thompson will share about the emotional lives of boys, and Dr. Marc Brackett will lead a 2-hour workshop for parents and teachers about Giving Kids Permission to Feel. . Please join us to learn practical tools and scientifically based strategies to protect your child's mental health. Speakers, workshops, and topics include:
- Parenting an anxious child
- What’s going on with our boys?
- Assessing for teen suicide risk
- The impact of childhood trauma on health
- Family-Based Treatment for eating disorders
- Having difficult conversations with teens
- School safety and youth mental health
- The lived experience of LGBTQ+ youth
- Bullying prevention strategies for parents and schools

Join us for all days, or for just a few sessions. Discounts and scholarships are available.

10 hours of AAFP Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Continuing
Education (CAMFT) are available. 5 hours per day.

Monterey Conferece Center
0 - $100
08:30 AM - 11:59 PM on Thu, 20 Apr 2023

Event Supported By

AIM Youth Mental Health
Monterey Conferece Center
1 Portola Drive - Portola Plaza
Monterey, California 93940
(831) 646-3770