DONATE STOCK TO SUPPORT KAZUEnsure that the trustyworthy, in-depth coverage you rely on stays strong in the coming year with a gift of stock. Gifts of appreciated securities held longer than one year are exempt from capital gains taxes and for outright gifts entitle the donor to a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities at the time of transfer.
To avoid exposure to capital gain tax, the stock must be transferred to KAZU. We then sell the stock from our account.
For information on making a gift of stock to KAZU, please contact the Membership Team or Warda Alhadi to receive instructions on how to start your stock transfer.KAZU Membership Team
Phone: (831) 582-5298
membership@kazu.orgWarda Alhadi, KAZU Business Manager
Phone: (831) 582-5292
walhadi@kazu.orgKAZU Tax ID Number: 77-0387459