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KAZU Media Sponsorship Page

KAZU Media Sponsorship Page

KAZU is proud to provide in-kind on-air support for events happening in our broadcast region. We sponsor a variety of arts, culture and civic events that reflect the mission of KAZU's programming and provide enjoyment, service and outreach to our audience.

KAZU’s Media Sponsorship program strives to provide a voice for diverse, thought-provoking ideas, people and experiences within our community. By providing in-kind media sponsorship to local organizations and events, KAZU exposes listeners to a variety of cultural, artistic and community experiences throughout the Monterey Bay Area that entertain, promote discourse and increase participation in our community. 

How To Apply

Please contact KAZU to request a media sponsorship by calling 831-582-5298 or emailing Mik Benedek at

UPCOMING EVENTS LISTED BELOW   (View past Sponsored Events: click here)