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Ways to Test 2

Ways to Give:
Become a member
Monthly Sustaining Members

Other Ways to Give: 
Make a gift by phone
Send gift by mail
Donor Advised Funds
Donate Your Vehicle
Underwriting and Program Sponsorships
IRA Charitable Distributions
Corporate Matching Gifts
Giving Stocks, Bonds and other Securities Electronically
Planned gifts and legacy giving
Wire transfers

Become a member

We could not broadcast trusted news, local stories, and smart entertainment without support from listeners like you. Contributions, monthly or annual, from members are KAZU’s number one source of support, followed by local business underwriters.

Become a member today by making a secure gift online at our website

As a current member, your name is automatically entered into our prize drawings offered during membership drives and other fundraising events.

Monthly Sustaining Members

A great way to financially support 90.3 KAZU is with an ongoing, monthly contribution—we call this a “sustaining membership.”

Start your sustaining membership today by using our secure, online giving form

When you make a sustaining gift, you will choose the monthly amount you would like to give. The monthly donation will automatically be deducted from your credit card account or bank account until you contact the Membership Team to cancel. A sustaining membership never expires and you do not need to renew each year! This ensures sustainable support for the KAZU programs you depend on.

Other Ways to Give

Make a gift by phone

Call us if you have any questions or would prefer to provide your payment details over the phone. We’re ready to help you. Please call 831-582-5298.

Send gift by mail

Please mail your check or money order, made payable to 90.3 KAZU to

90.3 KAZU
Cal State Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center
Seaside, California 93955

Donor Advised Funds

To make a donation from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), please designate KAZU/University Corporation of Monterey Bay as the recipient (Tax ID Number 77-0387459) and designate the donation "for benefit of KAZU" or "FBO KAZU." You may use the address of the station:

90.3 KAZU
Cal State Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center
Seaside, California 93955

Think of a donor-advised fund as a charitable savings account that you establish with a sponsoring organization, such as a community foundation (like the Community Foundation for Monterey County or the Community Foundation for Santa Cruz County) or the non-profit arm of a major commercial financial management company (like Fidelity or Schwab).

You set up the fund with an initial tax-deductible gift of cash, appreciated securities, or other assets. You (or other family members) can donate more to the fund whenever you like, and you can recommend grants to KAZU and other non-profit organizations that you wish to support.

Consult your financial advisor to learn whether a donor-advised fund is a good choice for you.

Donate Your Vehicle

Donate your used car, truck, motorhome or boat to KAZU through our Vehicle Donation Program. All vehicles, running or not, are considered. We’ll tow your vehicle at no cost to you. Your donation is eligible for a tax deduction, and we receive the net proceeds from the sale. Visit for more information or to begin the donation. Questions? Call 855-KAZU-123 (855-529-8123) to begin the donation process by phone.

Underwriting and Program Sponsorships

KAZU’s second largest source of funding comes from businesses that underwrite the costs of news, NPR programming and KAZU's local programming.

In return for their support, for-profit and non-profit underwriters receive on-air identification of their businesses and services, which is a great way to reach KAZU’s loyal and substantial audience.

For more information on how to become a KAZU underwriter, please call 831-582-5252, or send an e-mail to

IRA Charitable Distributions

Listeners age 70 ½ or older can make a tax-advantaged charitable gift directly from an IRA each year.

You can make a charitable gift to KAZU directly from your IRA every year while excluding the amount of that gift from your adjusted gross income (AGI) and, consequently, without paying taxes on it.

You don’t recognize the distribution as income for federal income tax purposes. The distribution counts towards your minimum required distribution for the year.

To qualify:

  • You must be 70-1/2 or older and required to make an annual distribution from your IRA.
  • Distribution must be made directly from a traditional IRA account by your IRA administrator and must go directly to a public charity, such KAZU.
  • Distributions to donor-advised funds and private foundations, except in narrow circumstances, do not qualify for tax-free IRA distribution contributions.
  • You cannot receive any goods or services in return for your charitable IRA distribution contribution in order to qualify for tax-free treatment.
  • You must receive an acknowledgement from KAZU for each distribution contribution.

We recommend that you seek advice from your accountant prior to making a charitable distribution as personal circumstances can have a significant impact on whether charitable distributions are advantageous.

Contact your IRA administrator for instructions on how to make your gift, as each administrator has company-specific guidelines. However, with all administrators it is essential for you to confirm the check is made out to the charity and not to the individual to avoid undesired tax consequences.

In order to benefit from an IRA charitable distribution, contact your IRA administrator as early as possible before December 31 as some administrators may place a deadline on requesting transfers.

Our federal tax id is 77-0387459.

Corporate Matching Gifts

Many companies have programs that will match your donation to KAZU. Some companies will even double your investment! Contact your human resources department to learn if your workplace will help you support public radio.

To request supporting documentation from KAZU to provide to your employer contact KAZU or provide your employer with our contact information:

KAZU 90.3
CSU Monterey Bay
100 Campus Center
Seaside, CA 93955
Attn: Membership Department

KAZU is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, Federal Tax ID No. 77-0387459.


Participating Companies

Here's a sampling of companies that match gifts. If your company isn't listed here, contact your employer.

  • AT&T
  • ADC
  • Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • AMD
  • American Express Financial Advisors, Inc.
  • American International Group
  • Amerigives Inc.
  • Amgen
  • Aon
  • Apple
  • Arco
  • ATK Foundation
  • Autodesk, Inc.
  • AXA
  • Bank of America
  • CA Technologies
  • Cal Staff Incorporated
  • California Endowment
  • California Wellness Foundation
  • Capital Group Companies, Inc.
  • Cengage
  • Cessna Foundation
  • Charitable Gift Fund
  • Charles Schwab
  • ChevronTexaco
  • Cisco Systems
  • Citigroup
  • Combined Federal Campaign
  • Computer Associates International, Inc.
  • Dow Chemical Company
  • DowElanco
  • DST Systems, Inc.
  • Eli Lilly and Company
  • Emerson Electric Company
  • ExxonMobil
  • Federated Dept. Stores
  • Fireman's Fund Ins. Company
  • FMC Technologies, Inc.
  • Gannett Genentech
  • Gartner
  • General Mills
  • Glaxo Smith Kline
  • Google
  • Granite Rock Company
  • Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
  • H & R Block/CompuServe, Inc.
  • H.J. Heinz
  • Harder + Company
  • Hewlett-Packard Company
  • Home Savings of America
  • Honeywell
  • HSBC
  • IBM
  • ITW (Illinois Tool Works) Foundation
  • Jefferies & Company Inc.
  • John Wiley & Sons, Inc
  • Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
  • Juniper Networks
  • Kimball Hill Homes
  • Logistix
  • Massachusetts Financial Services Company
  • McClatchy Newspapers
  • McGraw-Hill
  • Merck (Partnership for Giving)
  • Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.
  • Metropolitan Arts Partnership
  • Microsoft Corporation
  • Mobil
  • Monsanto Fund
  • Motorola Foundation
  • Nationwide Mutual Ins. Company
  • Norcal Mutual Insurance Company
  • Nordson
  • NVidia
  • Online Resources Corporation
  • Oracle
  • Pfizer Inc.
  • Prudential
  • Shell Oil Company
  • Sierra Health
  • Siragusa
  • Sprint
  • SPX
  • Sun Microsystems, Inc.
  • Tektronix
  • Tenet Healthcare
  • The James Irvine Foundation
  • The Times Mirror
  • The Charity Giving Station
  • UPS
  • Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
  • Transamerica Matching Gifts
  • TRW
  • U.S. Bancorp
  • U.S. Computers
  • UBS
  • Union Pacific
  • United Motor
  • United Way
  • Verizon
  • VMWare
  • W.K. Kellogg
  • Wachovia
  • Washington Mutual
  • WMX Technologies, Inc.
  • World Reach, Inc.
  • XL America
  • Yahoo (Managed by Global Impact)

Giving Stocks, Bonds and other Securities Electronically

Ensure that the trust worthy, in-depth coverage you rely on stays strong in the coming year with a gift of marketable securities, like publicly traded stock, bonds or mutual funds. Gifts of appreciated securities, particularly those held longer than one year, may reduce or avoid capital gains taxes and allow you to take a tax deduction equal to the fair market value of the securities at the time of transfer.

Once the transfer is complete, KAZU sells the stock and puts the proceeds to use supporting the programs and services you value. And it gives you the benefits of membership!

Talk to your tax or financial advisor to better understand the implications of such a gift on your individual tax situation.

Donors can utilize the following information in order to initiate a transfer of securities.

Brokerage Information:

RBC Wealth Management
Cyd Crampton
4 Lower Ragsdale Dr., Ste 120
Monterey, CA 93940

Please notify us of the details of your gift to ensure we can process it properly and provide receipt for your generous contribution. An e-mail should be sent by either the Donor or their financial advisor to the KAZU Membership Team at with the details of the transfer.

Please include the following information:

  1. Donor’s name and contact information
  2. Name of security
  3. Number of units/shares
  4. Date of transfer
  5. Designation

Planned gifts and legacy giving

With careful planning, your generosity can bring you tax incentives which may enable you to make a greater impact at KAZU than you may have previously envisioned. Please discuss your intentions in advance with KAZU General Manager Helen Barrington at or 617- 413- 0997.

Giving through your will

A will allows you to leave funds, real estate, and other property to your family and friends, and also to charities like KAZU whose work you value. A bequest is a gift, made through your will, that recipients will receive after your death. A bequest is one the simplest ways to make a substantial gift to support KAZU in the future.

Naming KAZU as a Beneficiary

If you have a life insurance policy, you have named a beneficiary—usually a family member who will receive a payment based on the life insurance policy after your death. You may have also named a beneficiary to receive proceeds from your retirement plan, such as an IRA or 401(k).

Charities, including KAZU, may also be named as beneficiaries. Legacy gifts made in this manner bypass probate and go directly to your beneficiaries. To name KAZU as a beneficiary, contact your life insurance company or retirement plan administrator, and request a beneficiary designation form and instructions. When completing the form, designate “University Corporation at Monterey Bay/KAZU” as the beneficiary, and provide our federal tax identification number: 77-0387459.

Wire transfers

For instructions on sending a wire transfer, please contact the KAZU Membership Team by phone
(831) 582-5298 or email