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Seaside Tries New Ways To Stop Illegal Fireworks

George Krieger
Every 4th of July, photographer George Krieger uses time lapse photography to capture the Seaside skyline. This photo is from 2017. It shows just how many illegal fireworks are launched in Seaside every year.

The use of illegal fireworks in Seaside on the 4th of July is getting out of control. The City of Seaside wants to change that. 

Photographer George Krieger has enjoyed many 4th of Julys from his rooftop in Seaside.

“There's a lot of celebratory fireworks. A lot of people out on the streets, a lot of people having fun. It's both beautiful and dangerous at the same time,” says Krieger.

Seaside is notorious for illegal fireworks and complaints about them.  Krieger has been taking pictures of the spectacle using time lapse photography for years.  His photos show tons of radiant fireworks exploding in the night sky.

“It's a beautiful sight when you see them all together like this. But understanding that this is 40 minutes-worth of activity, it sounds more like a war going on,” Krieger says.

In hopes of putting an end to all those illegal fireworks, the city is hosting its first ever fireworks show at Bayonet Blackhorse Golf Course.  Krieger will be the professional photographer.

An illegal firework is one that flies in the air and goes pop.  So to catch people who continue to use them, Seaside Police Chief Abdul Pridgen says they’ll be using drones.

“And that will be our eyes in the sky so to speak,” Pridgen says.

The drones will able to zero in on homes or areas where illegal fireworks are being launched.

“We will also have officers in plainclothes and unmarked vehicles who can head to areas where the drone sees that illegal fireworks are being used and then cite people,” says Pridgen.

The fine for using illegal fireworks is $2,500 dollars.  

Erika Mahoney served as news director and reporter at KAZU, leaving the station in March, 2022.