Car Week is underway. To help you navigate the traffic that comes with this annual event, Monterey County is sharing an interactive online tool.
At the Porsche event in Seaside Monday, car enthusiasts show off their classic cars. Matt Clark of Pacific Grove is one of them.
“This is a Porsche 356 A. This was a one year model made only in 1959. I believe they made 1,300 of them,” says Clark.
This is just one of roughly 60 events and auctions happening in and around Monterey now through Sunday. They attract about 85,000 people and their cars.
To help residents deal with the extra traffic, the county’s Resource Management Agency created a Special Events calendar. They use it throughout the year for all major events happening in the county.
Freda Escobar, the agency’s Special Events Coordinator, explains how it works.
“It will identify what day the events are happening, how many events. Our calendar also has a GIS layer which is a mapping layer and it will actually pinpoint where in the county these events are happening,” says Escobar.
She adds that it’s not the only way they’re trying to ease traffic congestion during Car Week. Road construction in Monterey County will also be limited to accommodate the event.
“What we're seeing over the last couple of years is a huge improvement in the communication between the organizations,” says Escobar.
The most congested roadways in the coming days are expected to be Highway 68 and Carmel Valley Road.