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Winter storms: Prepare and stay informed

Published December 21, 2023 at 1:43 PM PST
An emergency vehicle is parked among the flood waters outside of Pajaro in March 2023.
Jerimiah Oetting
An emergency vehicle parked among the flood waters outside of Pajaro in March 2023.

Winter is here, and on the Central Coast, that means the potential for rain and flooding. This page is a collection of resources, alerts, updates and important news regarding your safety in this El Niño year.


Santa Cruz County has set up a storm preparedness page with links to helpful resources.

EMERGENCY ALERTS: Sign up for CruzAware alerts

EVACUATIONS: View the county's Zonehaven Aware map

SANDBAGS: County sandbag locations

- All Santa Cruz County social media accounts
- FACEBOOK: Santa Cruz County Facebook page
- NEXTDOOR: Santa Cruz County Nextdoor page
- X/TWITTER: Santa Cruz County X/Twitter page


Monterey County has set up a storm preparedness page including:
- Sandbag distribution locations
- Sand stockpile locations
- Disaster recovery
- Community-specific information for residents in low-lying and flood-prone areas

The county also has a page for broader emergency preparedness and recovery.

EMERGENCY ALERTS: Sign up for Monterey County alerts

- FACEBOOK: Monterey County Facebook page
- NEXTDOOR: Monterey County Nextdoor page
- X/TWITTER: Monterey County Department of Emergency Management X/Twitter page


San Benito County has set up a storm preparedness page, including a road conditions map and sandbag locations.

EMERGENCY ALERTS: Sign up for SBC Alerts

- FACEBOOK: San Benito County Facebook page
- NEXTDOOR: San Benito County Nextdoor page
- X/TWITTER: San Benito County X/Twitter page



- Santa Cruz County map of road closures
- Monterey County map and list of road closures
- San Benito County map of road closures (located beneath PG&E power outages subhead)
- Check current highway conditions via
- See footage of highway conditions on the Caltrans CCTV map
- Caltrans District 5 (Central Coast highways) Facebook page, X/Twitter page

- See the National Weather Service map (click for warnings)
- National Weather Service Bay Area office area forecasts
- National Weather Service Bay Area Facebook page, X/Twitter page

KAZU will continue to monitor conditions and update this page with more resources when needed.

Highway 1 closed at Palo Colorado after heavy rains cause road slip out

Updated March 30, 2024 at 10:46 PM PDT
Posted March 30, 2024 at 9:13 PM PDT

The Big Sur Lodge has a conference room open for stranded motorists.

Caltrans District 5 and Monterey County officials announced a Highway 1 closure between Palo Colorado to just south of the Rocky Creek Bridge on Saturday evening due to a slip out after heavy rains.

"Emergency personnel who are south of the slip out are sharing this information with any tourists or others who may be trying to leave the area and cannot," said county spokesperson Maia Carroll.

“The one southbound lane has been impacted and may impact the one northbound lane,” the transportation agency wrote in a press release and on social media.

Caltrans engineers began assessing the damage Saturday night and will continue at first light tomorrow morning. On the agency’s site, the closure is currently listed as “long-term”, with no definite end date.

A screenshot of the Caltrans website showing a report generated with current Highway 1 closures in Monterey County on March 30, 2024, as of 9:03 p.m. There are two closures shown, one between Limekiln Creek and Lime Creek Bridge that's slide removal and long-term, and another at Palo Colorado that began March 30, 2024 at 5:01 p.m. designated as emergency work.
A screenshot of the Caltrans website showing a report generated with current Highway 1 closures in Monterey County on March 30, 2024, as of 9:03 p.m.

As for other parts of Highway 1, the road is open from north of the Dolan Creek Bridge to south of the Rocky Creek Bridge.

Jim Shivers, spokesperson for Caltrans District 5, also confirmed Big Sur is open between the north and south closure points.

Those are between the current north and south closure points at Lime Creek and just south of Limekiln State Park, and that closure is from three slides caused by previous storms.

You can view highway conditions at the Caltrans QuickMap (also visible on the Caltrans app) or call 1-800-427-7623 for road information.

Sign up for Monterey County emergency alerts via the county’s website.

This is a developing story and will continue to be updated. 

Monterey County offers guidance on runaway pets as storm clean-up continues

Posted February 8, 2024 at 3:22 PM PST

Aside from damaged homes, lost power and closed roads, large storms can also provide cover for runaway pets.

While the SPCA for Monterey County has continued to be the lead contact for animal emergencies and sheltering throughout the storm, Hitchcock Road Animal Services in Salinas has been accepting stray animals from Marina, Salinas, Del Rey Oaks, Greenfield, Carmel and unincorporated Monterey County,

“We don’t accept animals that need to be surrendered by their owners,” said Cindy Burnham, an animal services manager for the shelter, during a press briefing Wednesday. “There’s other agencies for that, but we’re happy to talk to you and point you in the right direction.”

She encouraged people who have lost a pet to put up fliers in their neighborhood, talk to their neighbors, contact their microchip company and report a lost pet to their nearest animal shelter. They can also text 831LOST to the toll-free number 1-833-664-0513 for resources and information.

Burnham also said scared animals may hide under a bush for a day or two before attempting to return home, and asked people who find lost pets to first make an effort to find their owner. Otherwise, they can bring the pet to Hitchcock Road Animal Services between 1-4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and get more information about next steps by texting 831FOUND to the toll-free number 1-833-664-0513.

As for other storm impacts, PG&E is making progress on fixing the outages across the Monterey Bay region, and projects it will restore lost power by Thursday evening.

In Monterey County, 2,212 customers are still in the dark as of early Thursday afternoon; in Santa Cruz County, that’s true for 3,298 customers. The majority of those are located in unincorporated county areas.

The Salinas River crossing at Davis Road (south of Salinas) between Hitchcock Road and Reservation Road has been reopened, but the Salinas River crossing at Elm Avenue (east of Greenfield) between Espinosa Road and Metz Road remains closed.

Road closure information for Monterey County is visible on the county’s website.

Clearing trees, restoring power major parts of ongoing Central Coast storm response

Posted February 7, 2024 at 7:20 PM PST
The reception area inside Asilomar Social Hall on Feb. 7. It's a lodge-like area filled with about 40 to 50 people. The focal point is three people sitting at a table with blankets, granola bars, water, Wi-Fi information and other resources to welcome visitors.
Janelle Salanga
The reception area inside Asilomar Social Hall on the morning of Feb. 7.

This weekend’s ferocious winds and constant rain wreaked havoc on highways, roads and the power grid, with thousands of PG&E customers across the Monterey Bay region still without power.

To support area residents, Monterey County organized a number of resource centers starting Monday open 10 a.m. through 6 p.m and has added centers throughout the week.

Read and listen to more about those centers and the ongoing Central Coast storm response.

Garrapata residents urged to boil water, downed trees can be removed without permit

Updated February 6, 2024 at 9:38 PM PST
Posted February 6, 2024 at 12:03 PM PST
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map focused on the Monterey Peninsula showing data from 11:42 a.m. on Feb. 6. There has been progress in restoring power overall, though the outage impacting Del Monte Forest, Pebble Beach and Asilomar is still projected to be resolved on Feb. 8.
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map focused on the Monterey Peninsula showing data from 11:42 a.m. on Feb. 6. There has been progress in restoring power overall, though the outage impacting Del Monte Forest, Pebble Beach and Asilomar is still projected to be resolved on Feb. 8.

This weekend’s storm caused a tree to fall and damage a water main in the Garrapata Water System, so Monterey County officials are urging all residents of Garrapata to only use boiled tap water or bottled water for drinking and cooking purposes to avoid stomach or intestinal illness.

Residents served by the Carmel Riviera Mutual Water Company should also boil tap water for 3 to 5 minutes as a safety precaution before using it for drinking or cooking — the system lost pressure and had a water main break due to storm damage.

Tree litter is still prevalent throughout the Central Coast. Homeowners and renters who have had a tree damage their homes can get support by calling the Red Cross 24-hour dispatch line at 866-272-2237.

In Monterey County, officials have developed the following guidance:

  • Downed trees may be removed without a permit. Photos should be taken of the downed tree(s) as documentation.
  • For leaning or standing dead trees that are clearly hazardous, same-day approval of permits will be granted with required photo documentation.
  • If there is an immediate threat that cannot wait for permits, permits can be obtained after the tree is removed, but photographic evidence showing the immediate hazard created by the tree(s) will be required as part of review of permitting after the fact.
  • For trees that are not clearly dead or leaning, the normal tree removal permit process will apply.

Contact the Monterey County Permit Center by calling 831-755-5025 or emailing

Many residents are still waiting for power to be restored. As of 11:42 a.m., that includes 15,455 customers in Monterey County and 14,526 customers in Santa Cruz County, according to PG&E.

That’s resulted in the city of Carmel canceling the Feb. 6 regular Carmel City Council meeting.

“There are still many without power or still recovering from the storm,” Carmel’s interim assistant city administrator Brandon Swanson said Tuesday morning. “For fairness to the public, we will move all items to the March agenda so everyone can participate.”

Meanwhile, Weather Tech Raceway Laguna Seca is serving as the primary staging area for PG&E equipment brought into the area for the recovery effort in Monterey County. Toro Regional Park has been offered as a debris staging area to expedite clean-up work.

Xfinity has also opened up its hotspots to the public. Their website has more information on accessing the hotspots, and Xfinity also has a map for hotspot look-up.

Resource centers will stay open on Wednesday and are located across the county, offering Wi-Fi, heating, charging stations, light refreshments and limited refrigeration.

Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.:

  • Asilomar Conference Center Social Hall: 800 Asilomar Blvd, Pacific Grove
  • Monterey Public Library: 625 Pacific St., Monterey
  • County of Monterey Seaside Library: 550 Harcourt Ave., Seaside
  • County of Monterey Carmel Valley Library: 65 W. Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel 
  • County of Monterey Buena Vista Library: 18250 Tara Dr, Salinas

Most outages around the Central Coast are projected to be fixed by Thursday evening. You can check estimated power restoration times via the PG&E outage lookup or outage map.

Officials across Central Coast assess storm damage, say some outages could last through Thursday

Posted February 5, 2024 at 8:29 PM PST
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5 that shows much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, including Pebble Beach, Del Monte Forest, Carmel and parts of Monterey and Pacific Grove.
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5. Much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, and some areas are not projected to have power restored until Thursday.

Homeowners and renters whose homes have been damaged by fallen trees can get support by calling the Red Cross 24-hour dispatch line at 866-272-2237.

While winds have calmed, county and city officials say falling trees remain a danger. A road hazards advisory is still active in Monterey County.

Robert Oatey, the Santa Cruz fire chief who served as the city’s emergency operations director for the weekend storm, attributed falling trees to both the high winds and saturated soil.

“Depending on the soil composition, … once it becomes fully saturated, it [water] basically just runs off, and then once you get those high winds, the foliage, the trees, at that point, are not as secure with their root structures,” he said. “They blow over again into power lines, into houses, into cars. And we saw that not only in Santa Cruz but throughout the Bay Area.”

In Santa Cruz County, a falling tree killed 45-year-old Robert Brainerd III of Boulder Creek. Other felled trees nearly injured two others in the area.

CalFIRE reports that in Monterey County, 17 homes have sustained storm damage. Between 35 and 40 roads in Pebble Beach are closed, though major arteries of the area are open.

The shelter-in-place order for Pebble Beach was lifted earlier Monday, but the shelter-in-place order for areas around Arroyo Seco Road remains.

Tony Ellis, the director of the Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation department, said “multiple trees” were downed yesterday in Santa Cruz, including “about a dozen” throughout city neighborhood and community parks and “a handful of large trees” at the DeLaveaga Golf Course.

“Parks crews are in some of our urban areas as well, City Hall, [UCSC] campus, et cetera, working this week to clean up leaf litter in downed branches throughout the city,” Ellis said at a press briefing Monday afternoon.

The end of the Santa Cruz wharf, including The Dolphin Restaurant, the restrooms and the sea lion viewing holes, has been closed as city crews work to repair the damage.

“From the parking lot near Stagnaro Bros restaurant to the end of the wharf, it remains closed,” Ellis said. “We'll be working with engineers and our staff over the coming weeks to assess the full scope of the damage to the wharf and then coming up with a plan to make repairs at the wharf.”

As for power outages, PG&E reports 16,024 customers in Monterey County and 16,557 customers in Santa Cruz County are still without power, based on data from 8:12 p.m. Monday.

Estimated restoration times have been added to many of the outages, but some have been extended — the 5,330 customers who have lost power in Del Monte Forest, Pebble Beach and parts of Pacific Grove should now expect PG&E to restore it by Thursday at 10:00 p.m. Earlier Monday, the company was projecting a fix by tomorrow morning.

You can check estimated power restoration times via the PG&E outage lookup or outage map.

For residents who have not had power for 48 hours or longer, PG&E provides outage compensation in increments of $25, with a maximum $100 payment per storm. No application is needed, but the PG&E hotline for more information on compensation is 888-743-4743.

Given the ongoing outages, Monterey County has also extended resource center operations to include Tuesday. Read about locations in KAZU's earlier live blog post.

Salinas River crossings closed Monday night in advance of forecasted river flow increases

Posted February 5, 2024 at 6:30 PM PST
Water from the Salinas River seen breaching levees and flooding fields in Chualar on Jan. 13, 2023.
Brandt Bates
Resource Conservation District of Monterey County
Water from the Salinas River seen breaching levees and flooding fields in Chualar on Jan. 13, 2023.

Crews from the Monterey County Public Works department have closed the Salinas River crossings at Davis Road (south of Salinas) between Hitchcock Road and Reservation Road and Elm Avenue (east of Greenfield) between Espinosa Road and Metz Road.

The Salinas River, typically a late riser after storms, is predicted to see increased river flow this evening as water in its upwater tributaries flows toward the ocean. During last winter’s storms, it flooded at several points, including the crossing at Davis Road between Hitchcock Road and Reservation Road.

The river is not predicted to reach flood stage at its Monterey County gauges, and its highest crest in the county is expected to be 15.9 feet at Spreckels tomorrow at 6 p.m.

Monterey County’s website has more information on road closures.

Monterey County to keep resource centers open through tomorrow

Updated February 5, 2024 at 4:42 PM PST
Posted February 5, 2024 at 4:15 PM PST
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5 that shows much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, including Pebble Beach, Del Monte Forest, Carmel and parts of Monterey and Pacific Grove.
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5. Much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, though the large outage affecting Pebble Beach, parts of Pacific Grove and the Del Monte Forest is scheduled to have power return Feb. 6 at 10:46 a.m.

The centers available are located in Pacific Grove, Monterey, Seaside and Carmel Valley. They are currently offering Wi-Fi, heating, charging stations and limited refrigeration both today and tomorrow.

Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.:

  • Asilomar Conference Center Social Hall: 800 Asilomar Blvd, Pacific Grove
  • Monterey Public Library: 625 Pacific St., Monterey
  • County of Monterey Seaside Library: 550 Harcourt Ave., Seaside
  • County of Monterey Carmel Valley Library: 65 W. Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel (open until 8 p.m. Monday)

The Park Branch of the Harrison Memorial Library (Mission and 6th Ave, Carmel-By-The-Sea) is open through 5 p.m. today as an additional resource center.

Xfinity has also opened up its hotspots to the public. Their website has more information on accessing the hotspots, and Xfinity also has a map for hotspot look-up.

As of 3:57 p.m., 22,049 PG&E customers in Monterey County are still without power, according to the utility company. The bulk of those are in unincorporated Monterey County (8,871 customers), Monterey (5,725 customers), Pacific Grove (5,075 customers) and Carmel (1,645 customers).

In neighboring Santa Cruz County, 19,656 PG&E customers are still waiting on power to be restored. Most are in unincorporated county areas (17,137 customers).

You can check estimated power restoration times via the PG&E outage lookup or outage map. Most areas are expected to regain power before or on Wednesday.

Shelter-in-place order for Pebble Beach lifted

Posted February 5, 2024 at 1:32 PM PST
A screenshot of the Monterey County evacuation map showing Pebble Beach, where the shelter-in-place order has been lifted.
Monterey County Emergency Information App
A screenshot of the Monterey County evacuation map showing the areas of Pebble Beach where the shelter-in-place order has been lifted.

The Monterey County sheriff’s office has lifted the shelter-in-place order for all areas of Pebble Beach. Power in the area is still expected to return tomorrow at 10:46 a.m.

County officials are cautioning people to be aware of their surroundings and any potentially changing conditions.

A road hazards advisory is still active in the county, as is the shelter-in-place order for areas near Arroyo Seco Road.

The evacuation warning for areas of Bolsa Knolls and the evacuation order for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road were lifted earlier this morning.

View the Monterey County evacuation map.

Monterey County opens additional resource centers as tens of thousands of PG&E customers wait for power

Updated February 5, 2024 at 2:58 PM PST
Posted February 5, 2024 at 12:18 PM PST
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5 that shows much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, including Pebble Beach, Del Monte Forest, Carmel and parts of Monterey and Pacific Grove.
A screenshot of the PG&E outage map with data from 11:57 p.m. on Feb. 5. Much of the Monterey Peninsula remains without power, though the large outage affecting Pebble Beach, parts of Pacific Grove and the Del Monte Forest is scheduled to have power return Feb. 6 at 10:46 a.m.

There are centers available in Pacific Grove, Monterey, Seaside and Carmel-by-the-Sea. They’ll offer Wi-Fi, heating, charging stations and limited refrigeration today.

Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today:

  • Park Branch - Harrison Memorial Library: Mission and 6th Ave, Carmel-By-The-Sea

Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.:

  • Asilomar Conference Center Social Hall: 800 Asilomar Blvd, Pacific Grove
  • Monterey Public Library: 625 Pacific St., Monterey
  • County of Monterey Seaside Library: 550 Harcourt Ave., Seaside

While the evacuation order has been lifted for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road, the Carmel Valley Library (65 W Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel Valley) remains open today as a temporary evacuation point from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Xfinity has also opened up its hotspots to the public. Their website has more information on accessing the hotspots, and Xfinity also has a map for hotspot look-up.

As of 2:42 p.m., 23,476 PG&E customers in Monterey County are still without power, according to the utility company. The bulk of those are in unincorporated Monterey County (9,648 customers), Monterey (5,817 customers), Pacific Grove (5,076 customers) and Carmel (1,751 customers).

In neighboring Santa Cruz County, 20,952 PG&E customers are still waiting on power to be restored. Most are in unincorporated county areas (18,221 customers) and Scotts Valley (1,205 customers).

PG&E has begun to post updates about power being fixed. For the 5,330 customers who have lost power in Del Monte Forest, Pebble Beach and parts of Pacific Grove, the utility company expects to resolve the outage by tomorrow at 10:46 a.m.

You can check estimated power restoration times via the PG&E outage lookup or outage map.

Evacuation order lifted for Carmel Valley, over 50,000 PG&E customers still without power

Posted February 5, 2024 at 9:45 AM PST

The Monterey County Sheriff's Office has lifted the evacuation order for low-lying areas of Carmel Valley, as the Carmel River recedes following the weekend storm.

The Monterey County Sheriff's Office has lifted an evacuation order for Carmel Valley, indicated in this county-provided map in green.

The Carmel River crested at 7.4 feet early Monday morning, just below "Monitor Stage." The river was initially forecasted to reach flood stage yesterday, but rainfall amounts remained below expectations.

Over 50,000 PG&E customers are still without power in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, according to the PG&E outage map.

Monterey, Santa Cruz counties have places to shelter, charge devices amid ongoing outages

Updated February 4, 2024 at 9:16 PM PST
Posted February 4, 2024 at 8:29 PM PST
A screenshot of central and north Monterey County showing ongoing power outages as of 8:12 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4. According to PG&E, 32,479 customers in the area have lost power.
A screenshot of central and north Monterey County showing ongoing power outages as of 8:12 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4. According to PG&E, 32,479 customers in the area have lost power — around the same number as affected Santa Cruz County residents.

With power still out for many people across Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, officials have worked to set up resource centers open through Monday for shelter and access to power.

As of 8:57 p.m., 21,462 customers in Santa Cruz County and 32,018 customers in Monterey County are still experiencing power outages, according to PG&E. Most do not have restoration times listed, but you can monitor progress on outage fixes via the PG&E outage center. You can also report a power outage to PG&E.

Santa Cruz County, in cooperation with the cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville, opened two severe weather shelters as 24-hour shelters on Feb. 3:

  • Depot Park: 119 Center St., Santa Cruz
  • Watsonville Veterans Hall: 215 East Beach St., Watsonville 

They’ll remain open until 12 p.m. on Monday.

A third shelter will operate overnight between 8 p.m. today through 8 a.m. tomorrow:

  • Santa Cruz Veterans Hall: 846 Front St., Santa Cruz

Beds will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to disabled people and those facing significant health and safety risks in sleeping outdoors. Food and blankets will be available, and pets are allowed if leashed and kept under voice control.

In Monterey County, the Carmel Valley Library (65 W Carmel Valley Rd, Carmel Valley) remains a temporary evacuation point given the ongoing evacuation order for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road and will be open between 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. tomorrow.

Also tomorrow, the Monterey Public Library (625 Pacific St, Monterey) will open a resource center for county residents without power to warm up and charge their phones between 10 a.m. through 6 p.m.

Wyndham Clark declared AT&T Pro-Am winner after tournament shortened by weather

Posted February 4, 2024 at 8:01 PM PST
The 18th hole on the Pebble Beach green in fair weather.
Jerimiah Oetting/KAZU
The 18th hole on the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Pebble Beach green, taken Jan. 31, 2024. Winner Wyndham Clark said during a press conference on Feb. 4 that hole 18 was his favorite, since it established his record-breaking round 3 and "felt like the end of the tournament."

The PGA Tour Rules Committee declared Wyndham Clark the AT&T Pro-Am winner this evening, announcing play on Monday was canceled out of an abundance of caution to Pebble Beach residents.

The decision was made in consultation with Monterey County emergency officials, given the currently active shelter-in-place order for Pebble Beach, which is among the many Monterey County neighborhoods still without power.

Clark takes home his third PGA Tour victory, winning by one stroke over Swedish golfer Ludvig Åberg after a record-setting round 3 at Pebble Beach Golf Links, when he shot 60 to overtake the previous round record of 62.

Read and listen to the full story.

Over 70,000 PG&E customers in Santa Cruz, Monterey counties lose power due to storm

Updated February 4, 2024 at 5:29 PM PST
Posted February 4, 2024 at 4:13 PM PST
A screenshot from the PG&E outage map with data from 4:12 p.m. showing power outages impacting the cities of Santa Cruz and Capitola, along with surrounding areas. Over 30,000 customers in Santa Cruz County are without power.
A screenshot from the PG&E outage map with data from 4:12 p.m. showing power outages impacting the cities of Santa Cruz and Capitola, along with surrounding areas. Over 30,000 customers in Santa Cruz County are without power.

Widespread power outages in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties, especially in unincorporated areas, continue to be the primary impact of this weekend’s storm system.

Over 70,000 customers in the area have lost power. They're not alone: Hundreds of thousands of customers across California are waiting for their power to be restored as high winds continue.

You can see whether or not you have power and any progress on outage fixes, including updated restoration times, on the PG&E outage map. You can also report a power outage on the PG&E site.

As of 5:12 p.m., 40,054 customers were without power in Monterey County. Santa Cruz County has seen outages nearly triple since earlier this afternoon, with 32,918 customers impacted, according to PG&E.

Most customers without power in San Benito County have had it restored, and PG&E is now reporting 22 customers experiencing an outage.

Winds have impacted power for the city of Santa Cruz, where previously around 650 customers were reporting outages. That number has ballooned to 6,496 customers. Capitola, which was also relatively unaffected earlier today, now has 1,518 customers reporting power outages.

Other large outages in Santa Cruz County affect unincorporated county areas (22,880 customers), Scotts Valley (1,205 customers) and Watsonville (806 customers). Progress continues to be made in restoring power to Scotts Valley and Watsonville customers since this morning.

In Monterey County, the most affected areas continue to be unincorporated county areas (15,079 customers), Monterey (9,665 customers), Pacific Grove (6,702 customers), Carmel (3,005 customers), Seaside (1,521 customers) and Marina (1,417 customers). Another city’s power has been affected by the high wind — in Gonzales, 2,179 customers are now reporting an outage.

The number of customers in Pacific Grove without power has nearly doubled since earlier this afternoon, while some customers in unincorporated Monterey County and Marina have had their power restored.

PG&E urges people not to touch downed tree branches or power lines, to keep children and animals away, and to assume all wires are energized and extremely dangerous.

Downed power lines can be reported to 911 and PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.

If power outages haven't yet come to your doorstep, NPR has a guide with how to navigate preparation.

Shelter-in-place order issued for Pebble Beach

Posted February 4, 2024 at 3:55 PM PST
A screenshot of the Monterey County evacuation map showing a purple overlay over the coastline of Pebble Beach, the Links at Spanish Bay, Del Monte Forest and Cypress Point Club to denote a shelter-in-place order in effect as of 3:08 p.m. today.
Monterey County Emergency Information App
A screenshot of the Monterey County evacuation map showing the shelter-in-place order (the purple areas) in effect for Pebble Beach as of 3:08 p.m. today.

The Monterey County sheriff’s office has issued a shelter-in-place order for Pebble Beach residents due to downed power lines, fallen trees and road hazards, effective until further notice.

The county encourages residents to check with neighbors to ensure they have been made aware of this alert. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 to request evacuation.

Monterey County’s evacuation map is viewable on its website.

There is also an active shelter-in-place order for areas of Arroyo Seco Road and tributary roads west of Carmel Valley Road, issued earlier this afternoon.

Evacuation orders for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road and the evacuation warning for areas of Bolsa Knolls are still in effect and visible on the Monterey County evacuation map.

The current forecast for the Carmel River at Robles del Rio as of 3:30 p.m. shows the river rising less than predicted, with it no longer expected to reach flooding stage this evening.

A graph of river levels from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for the Carmel River at Robles Del Rio created at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4. It shows the river reaching action/monitoring stage on Sunday afternoon before falling back to regular levels overnight between Sunday and Monday, Feb. 5.
A graph of river levels from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for the Carmel River at Robles Del Rio created at 3:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4. The river is no longer predicted to reach flood stage this weekend.

More information is available by calling 211.

High winds, storm conditions cause Central Coast road closures

Posted February 4, 2024 at 3:05 PM PST

Officials are warning people to drive with caution if they must head out onto the roads and have issued a road hazards advisory.

“Travel may be dangerous due to downed trees, power lines, or falling rocks,” Monterey County spokesperson Maia Carroll said in a press release. “Use caution if you must drive.”

A variety of storm-related impacts have resulted in closed lanes or roads, impacting driving conditions.

Santa Cruz County:

  • Highway 1 closed at the border of Santa Cruz and San Mateo County.
  • Soquel San Jose Road, north of Olsen Road, closed due to a fallen tree blocking the road.
  • Highway 9 at Sanborn Road closed in both directions due to a mudslide.
  • Brookwood Drive and Plateau Drive closed due to flooding.
  • 1501 La Madrona Drive has one lane closed.
  • West Cliff Drive closed to bike and pedestrian traffic due to weather conditions.

Monterey County:

  • Elkhorn Road closed for all traffic due to wires on road from Walker Valley Road and Elkhorn Slough Reserve.
  • Hartnell Road closed for all traffic from Highway 101 to Alisal Road.
  • Laureles Grade Road has the northbound lane closed for all traffic about 0.5 miles north of Miramonte Road due to a mudslide.
  • Denner Road closed for all traffic from San Juan Grade Road to Paul Avenue. 
  • Lewis Road closed for all traffic at Garin Road and Hutching Court. 
  • Mal Paso Road closed for all traffic from Highway 1 to Mal Paso Lane.
  • Murphy Road closed for all traffic from Highway 129 and Murphy Hill Road.
  • Old Stage Road closed for all traffic from Potter Road and Chualar Road.
  • Paul Avenue closed for all traffic from Cornwall Street to Rogge Road.
  • Rogge Road closed for all traffic from San Juan Grade Road to Paul Avenue.
  • Del Monte Avenue closed heading to Seaside from El Estero to Sloat Road.

Water is also pooling on the Arroyo Seco Road (across from Clark Road and Thorne Road) and Paraiso Spring Road (across from Arroyo Seco Road and Foothill Road).

The city of Monterey has also cautioned that trees and power lines are down in Veterans Park and several neighborhood streets in Skyline, Monte Vista and New Monterey neighborhoods, resulting in road closures.

Maps and lists of area road closures, including regularly planned ones, are linked below:

A high wind warning and wind advisory from the National Weather Service remains in effect through 10 p.m. this evening. Winds are expected to remain between 20 to 30 miles per hour, with gusts up to 60 miles per hour in lower-lying areas and 80 miles per hour in mountainous locations.

Power outages extend to over 40,000 customers across Santa Cruz, Monterey counties

Posted February 4, 2024 at 1:16 PM PST
A screenshot of the Monterey Bay coastline around Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove and Monterey showing power outages in the area as of 12:57 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Over 30,000 people in Monterey County are without power as of that time.
A screenshot of the Monterey Bay coastline around Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove and Monterey showing power outages in the area as of 12:57 p.m. Sunday afternoon. Over 30,000 people in Monterey County are without power, with the peninsula and unincorporated county areas being hit the hardest.

Customers across the Central Coast are continuing to lose power, with no restoration time scheduled for the widespread outages.

As of 1:12 p.m., 11,768 customers in Santa Cruz County and 33,826 customers in Monterey County were without power, according to PG&E. The storm has not had similar impacts on San Benito County, where 20 customers are experiencing a power outage.

The biggest outages in Santa Cruz County are affecting unincorporated county areas (8,148 customers), Scotts Valley (1,671 customers) and Watsonville (1,172 customers). Some customers in unincorporated county areas and Watsonville have since had their power restored after losing it this morning.

In Monterey County, the most affected areas continue to be unincorporated county areas (16,122 customers), Monterey (7,139 customers), Pacific Grove (3,734 customers), Carmel (2,979 customers), and Marina (1,964 customers). During the latest wave of outages, Seaside is also seeing impacts, with 1,294 customers now without power.

You can see whether or not you have power and any progress on outage fixes, including updated restoration times, on the PG&E outage map. You can also report a power outage on the PG&E site.

The utility company urges people not to touch downed tree branches or power lines, to keep children and animals away, and to assume all wires are energized and extremely dangerous.

Downed power lines can be reported to 911 and PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.

Shelter-in-place order issued for areas of Arroyo Seco

Posted February 4, 2024 at 11:59 AM PST
A map showing a purple area spanning the leftmost part of Arroyo Seco Road, overlapping Arroyo Center, the upper Woodtick Canyon, Millers Ranch and the left side of Horse Creek to denote a shelter-in-place order along Arroyo Seco Road.
Monterey County Emergency Information App
The purple area denotes the places under a shelter-in-place order along Arroyo Seco Road.

The Monterey County sheriff’s office has issued a shelter-in-place order and full road closure for areas of Arroyo Seco Road and tributary roads west of Carmel Valley Road, effective until further notice.

The order was given due to mass movement of falling rock above Arroyo Seco Road, due to the weather conditions, with potential for additional slope failure.

During storms last year, a similar order was issued due to road damage from heavy rains and water.

The county encourages residents to check with neighbors to ensure they have been made aware of this alert. In the case of a life-threatening emergency, call 911 to request evacuation.

Monterey County’s evacuation map is viewable on its website.

Evacuation orders for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road and the evacuation warning for areas of Bolsa Knolls are still active and visible on the evacuation map.

New outages in Monterey, Santa Cruz counties hit unincorporated county areas hard

Posted February 4, 2024 at 11:36 AM PST
A screenshot of the Monterey Bay coastline around Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove and Monterey showing power outages in the area. In Monterey County, over 20,000 people were without power as of 11:12 a.m.
A screenshot of the Monterey Bay coastline around Carmel-by-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Pacific Grove and Monterey showing power outages in the area as of 11:27 a.m. Sunday morning. Over 20,000 people in Monterey County are without power as of 11:27 a.m.

In some areas of Monterey and Santa Cruz counties, namely Salinas and Watsonville, power is slowly being restored, but other areas across the counties are experiencing new outages. Over 35,000 people are now without power as of 11:27 a.m.

The Salinas outages have been mostly repaired, with 436 customers lacking power, as opposed to the earlier 2,359. Progress has also been made on outages in Watsonville, where 1,174 customers — compared to an earlier 11,539 — are still waiting for power to be restored.

However, new areas in both counties now have their power out. The biggest outages in Santa Cruz County are affecting unincorporated county areas (8,733 customers), Scotts Valley (1,670 customers) and Watsonville (1,174 customers).

In Monterey County, the most affected areas are unincorporated county areas (12,440 customers), Monterey (4,125 customers), Pacific Grove (3,460 customers), Carmel (2,642 customers), and Marina (1,736 customers).

You can see whether or not you have power and any progress on outage fixes, including updated restoration times, on the PG&E outage map. You can also report a power outage on the PG&E site.

The utility company urges people not to touch downed tree branches or power lines, to keep children and animals away, and to assume all wires are energized and extremely dangerous.

Downed power lines can be reported to 911 and PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.

Evacuation orders issued for areas around Carmel River

Posted February 4, 2024 at 10:29 AM PST
A graph of river levels from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for the Carmel River at Robles Del Rio created at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4. It shows the river reaching action/monitoring stage on Sunday afternoon, minor flooding stage late Sunday evening before falling back to regular levels overnight between Sunday and Monday, Feb. 5.
A graph of river levels from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for the Carmel River at Robles Del Rio created at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 4.

Yesterday’s evacuation warnings have been upgraded to evacuation orders for the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo, Lower Robles Del Rio, Garzes and lower Shulte Road, effective immediately. Officials are asking people to share the information with their neighbors.

An evacuation warning remains in place for areas of Bolsa Knolls.

Monterey County has an evacuation map viewable on its website.

Monterey County has opened a temporary evacuation point at the Carmel Valley Library from 8 a.m.-8 p.m., today through tomorrow.

More information is available by calling 211. For animal sheltering, call the SPCA at 831-373-2631. The SPCA after-hours line is 831-646-5534.

The Carmel River at Robles del Rio is still projected to experience flooding, though it has also been rising less than anticipated. The highest water level is expected around 11:00 p.m. this evening.

The Carmel Community Emergency Response Team, along with small contingents of the California Conservation Corps and National Guard, are working with Monterey County Public Works personnel to build a sandbag flood wall along the Carmel River at Dampierre Park in Carmel Valley.

Sand locations at Ferrasci Park (for Bolsa Knolls residents) and Garland Park (for Carmel Valley residents) are being replenished, and sand stockpile and distribution locations in Monterey County can be found on the county website.

However, there is good news for Paradise Park and Felton Grove residents.

Since the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees has been rising less than predicted, the National Weather Service downgraded it from flood stage to monitor stage earlier this morning. Previously, it was expected to flood early this afternoon.

Weather results in suspended Pro-Am play, first-ever Big Sur hurricane warning

Posted February 4, 2024 at 10:25 AM PST
The 18th hole on the Pebble Beach green in fair weather.
Jerimiah Oetting/KAZU
The 18th hole on the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am Pebble Beach green, taken Jan. 31, 2024.

While rain is expected to dissipate later today, AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am organizers decided no golf is to be played today due to safety concerns given elevated wind speeds. Golfers are instead scheduled to return to the course on Monday, with tee times approximately scheduled for 8 a.m. to 10:25 a.m. from tees 1 & 10.

High winds are expected to continue throughout the day, with the National Weather Service wind advisory and high wind warning in place through 10 p.m.

The continued storm conditions have also resulted in temporary closure of the Monterey County day-use parks, including Toro, Jacks Peak, Manzanita, Royal Oaks, and San Lorenzo Parks.

And for the first time since the National Weather Service created the "hurricane force wind warning" alert in the early to mid-2000s, it has been issued for the California coastline — namely Big Sur.

The hurricane force wind warning is in effect until 3 p.m. this afternoon.

Over 30,000 customers affected by outages across Santa Cruz, Monterey counties

Posted February 4, 2024 at 10:23 AM PST
A screenshot of PG&E's outage map focused on the Watsonville, Freedom and Aromas area, where over 11,000 customers have lost power.
A screenshot of PG&E's outage map taken Sunday morning. The utility company is reporting that 11,539 customers in Watsonville have lost power, the bulk of those affected in Santa Cruz county.

Today, people across Santa Cruz and Monterey counties may be waking up without power.

In Santa Cruz County, as of 9:41 a.m., PG&E is reporting power is off for 18,136 customers, with the bulk of those affected located in Watsonville (11,539 customers) and unincorporated county areas (5,074 customers).

In Monterey County, as of 9:41 a.m., the utility company is reporting power is off for 12,754 customers. The majority of the affected customers are in unincorporated Monterey County (8,532 customers) and Salinas (2,359 customers).

With weather-related power outages being reported as early as 6:12 a.m. and as recently as 9:20 a.m., crews haven’t been sent out yet for inspections and repairs for the majority of outages yet, according to PG&E outage map data.

You can see whether or not you have power and any progress on outage fixes, including updated restoration times, on the PG&E outage map. You can also report a power outage on the PG&E site.

The utility company urges people not to touch downed tree branches or power lines, to keep children and animals away, and to assume all wires are energized and extremely dangerous.

Downed power lines can be reported to 911 and PG&E at 1-800-743-5002.

Pro-Am play pending due to storm

Posted February 3, 2024 at 8:09 PM PST

Spectators and volunteers will not be allowed on the course for the fourth round of the AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am due to predicted high winds and “out of an abundance of caution”, tournament officials announced this evening. Lone Cypress Club will also be closed.

The 18th green at Pebble Beach golf course before the storm, with Carmel Bay and Point Pinos in the background.
Doug McKnight
The 18th green at Pebble Beach golf course, with Carmel Bay and Point Pinos in the background.

While play is tentatively scheduled to continue, with tee-off scheduled for 7:45 a.m. tomorrow, it could be delayed or pushed to Monday.

Chief referee of the PGA Tour Gary Young said today that a reassessment of conditions is scheduled for 5 a.m. When that’s completed, players will be notified of any delays to the tee time.

If there is a delay, another reassessment is scheduled for 9:30 a.m., and Young said “that realistically means we won't start before noon tomorrow.”

For the tournament to be ruled as complete, golfers must make every effort to play 72 holes, which, given the storm, could mean play on Monday.

“We would not start play on Monday if we knew we couldn't finish the round on Monday,” Young said. “So the drop-dead time on that would mean we would have to start play on Monday by 10:15 a.m. at the latest in order to complete play.”

The Monterey Herald reported that the tournament could also be extended to Tuesday, depending on the number of players who are able to finish half the final round on Sunday, Monday or a combination of the two both.

If the weather renders the course unplayable through Tuesday, this afternoon’s leader — Wyndham Clark — would be declared the winner.

No evacuation warnings in Santa Cruz County, but flooding forecasted

Posted February 3, 2024 at 7:36 PM PST
A graph of river levels from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association for the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees created at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 3. It shows the river reaching action/monitoring stage overnight betwen Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 4, minor flooding stage early Sunday afternoon and moderate flooding stage in the middle of Sunday afternoon before falling back to regular levels overnight between Sunday and Monday, Feb. 5.
A graph of river levels for the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees showing the impact of the storm system between Saturday, Feb. 3, and Monday, Feb. 5.

Forecasts show the San Lorenzo River at Big Trees in Felton reaching flood stage early tomorrow afternoon.

A flood warning has been issued for the low-lying communities of Paradise Park and Felton Grove, and officials note that residents in Soquel Village and Rio Del Mar flats should also prepare for potential flooding.

While the Pajaro River is expected to reach monitor stage at the Chittenden gauge, no flooding is expected.

The county, in cooperation with the cities of Santa Cruz and Watsonville, opened two severe weather shelters as 24-hour shelters starting at 1 p.m. today:

  • Depot Park: 119 Center St., Santa Cruz
  • Watsonville Veterans Hall: 215 East Beach St., Watsonville 

They’ll remain open until 12 p.m. on Monday.

A third shelter will operate overnight between 8 p.m. today through 8 a.m. tomorrow:

  • Santa Cruz Veterans Hall: 846 Front St., Santa Cruz

Beds will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to disabled people and those facing significant health and safety risks in sleeping outdoors. Food and blankets will be available, and pets are allowed if leashed and kept under voice control.

Evacuation warnings issued for areas around Carmel River, Bolsa Knolls

Posted February 3, 2024 at 5:40 PM PST

The Monterey County Sheriff’s Office has issued evacuation warnings for areas of Bolsa Knolls and the communities of Camp Steffani, Paso Hondo and areas near Shulte Road starting 1 p.m. today until further notice.

A live evacuation map is viewable here.

For residents in those areas with large animals or who need extra time to evacuate, the sheriff’s office encourages them to begin the evacuation process as soon as possible. The Carmel River is anticipated to reach flood stage on Sunday.

Residents can call the SPCA for animal sheltering at 831-373-2631 and 211 for additional information.

The National Weather Service Bay Area branch also cautioned against travel or visiting the beach on Sunday, which will see the brunt of the storm system moving through the Central Coast.

The weather service has also issued a high wind warning and wind advisory for the area between 10 p.m. Saturday through 10 p.m. Sunday, with the highest gusts expected along the immediate coastline and in higher terrain.

Sign up for emergency alerts below or on KAZU’s storm preparedness resources page:

Rain, wind and potential floods come to the Central Coast this week

Updated January 30, 2024 at 6:29 PM PST
Posted February 2, 2024 at 6:41 PM PST
A GIF of the Jan. 31-Feb. 1 storm system moving from the Pacific Ocean inland toward California.

Secure loose items, prepare sandbags and make sure windshield wipers are in working condition: After a few summery days, winter is back with a vengeance. An epic storm will blast through our region from early Wednesday morning through Thursday, bringing with it torrential rain, potential flooding and landslides, and high winds.

The National Weather Service has issued a flood watch and wind advisory impacting the Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey Counties.

Read the full story here.