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Lisa Ledin

Host / Voice of Underwriting

Lisa Ledin joined KAZU in 2009, bringing with her a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise in local arts and culture.  She is  a voice of KAZU's underwriting announcements and also hosts Morning Edition every Friday, and Weekend Edition Saturdays.  

With over thirty years of radio experience, Lisa has specialized as a classical music announcer and producer.  After receiving her bachelor's degree in journalism from UC Berkeley, she worked at KSNO in Aspen, Colorado; WGUC in Cincinnati, Ohio; and KBach in Monterey.  

Highlights of her career include two black history radio documentaries that culminated in the book, Nelson Burton, My Life in Jazz.  She also created a weekly children's show on KBach called, Cabbages and Kings, that exposed  kids to classical music through original radio theater.  She has interviewed such artists as Stan Getz, Julie Harris, Leonard Nimoy and Jean Pierre Rampal.