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  • In this final episode four of "The Road to Rickwood", host Roy Wood Jr. goes back to Birmingham to explore some of the obstacles that prevent more Black youth from taking up America's pastime. He talks to MLB executives, managers, and a player about the importance of promoting this sport within Black communities.
  • In episode three of "The Road to Rickwood", the 1964 Birmingham Barons became Alabama's first integrated sports team. This was 17 years after Jackie Robinson integrated the Major Leagues. What took so long?
  • In episode two of "The Road to Rickwood", host Roy Wood Jr. speaks with surviving players from the Birmingham Black Barons about the soaring highs and painful lows of Negro League baseball in Alabama.
  • In this four-part series "The Road to Rickwood" host, Roy Wood Jr. speaks with historians, civic leaders, former Negro League players and more, to learn how Birmingham’s civil rights story played out at America’s oldest ballpark.